Insurance Premium Calculator

The Insurance Premium Calculator is a machine learning-based tool designed to predict insurance premiums accurately. By considering various factors such as age, BMI, region, smoking status, gender, and number of children, the tool enhances the precision of premium calculations, ultimately improving customer satisfaction.

Credit Card Approval Predictor

Introducing the Credit Card Approval Predictor, a PyTorch-based ANN model boasting 77% accuracy. Crafted with meticulous data cleaning, feature engineering, and PCA, it ensures robust performance. Explore the GitHub repository for source code and documentation. Experience real-time predictions on the deployed website, empowering users with swift and accurate forecasts.

Predicting Salary: Will You Exceed $50K

My ML project predicts if someone can make over $50,000 a year. It looks at things like age and education to guess if you can reach that salary. It's easy to use, has a smart computer program that makes accurate guesses, and shows you how it makes its predictions. Whether you're planning your career, negotiating pay, or just curious about your earning potential, this project helps you make better decisions

Starbucks Stock Price Analysis

I delved into three decades of Starbucks stock data to gauge its performance in the stock market. Through this analysis, I uncovered trends and patterns revealing investor sentiment toward Starbucks stocks. These insights offer stakeholders a clearer picture of Starbucks' market dynamics, aiding in the identification of potential investment opportunities and fostering a deeper understanding of the company's standing in the market.

Desktop Assistant

Developed a versatile Desktop Assistant in Python to streamline daily tasks via voice commands. Automates activities like opening websites and file management, enhancing productivity. Features advanced voice recognition, task automation, and easy customization, making it an ideal tool for boosting efficiency.